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Computer Graphics - Interview Questions
Explain the role of OpenCL or CUDA in GPU computing for applications in 3D computer graphics. What are some examples of their use in rendering, simulation, or modeling tasks?
OpenCL and CUDA are parallel computing platforms that enable GPUs to perform complex calculations for 3D computer graphics applications. They facilitate efficient execution of tasks by distributing workloads across multiple GPU cores.

In rendering, OpenCL or CUDA can accelerate ray tracing algorithms, enabling faster generation of realistic images with accurate lighting and shadows. For example, OctaneRender utilizes CUDA for real-time path tracing, significantly reducing render times.

In simulation, these platforms can speed up physics-based computations like fluid dynamics or cloth simulations. An example is RealFlow, which uses OpenCL to simulate realistic liquid behavior in visual effects.

In modeling, OpenCL or CUDA can be employed for mesh processing tasks such as subdivision or smoothing operations. Autodesk’s Maya incorporates GPU acceleration for its Viewport 2.0 feature, enhancing performance during modeling and animation workflows.