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TinyDB - Interview Questions
Explain the role of TinyDB in the context of Python.
In the context of Python, TinyDB serves as a lightweight and easy-to-use database solution for storing and manipulating data within Python applications. Its primary role is to provide developers with a simple yet effective way to persistently store and manage data without the need for external database servers or complex setup processes.

Here's a more detailed explanation of the role of TinyDB in the context of Python :

Data storage : TinyDB allows Python developers to store data persistently, either in-memory or on disk, using a simple JSON-based format. This enables applications to retain data between different runs or sessions.

Data retrieval and manipulation : TinyDB provides a straightforward API for querying and manipulating stored data. Developers can perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database, as well as execute queries to filter and retrieve specific subsets of data.

Integration with Python applications : TinyDB is designed to seamlessly integrate with Python applications, allowing developers to incorporate database functionality directly into their codebase. Since TinyDB is written in Python and has minimal dependencies, it can be easily included in Python projects without introducing significant overhead.

Simplicity and ease of use : One of the key advantages of TinyDB is its simplicity and ease of use. The API is intuitive and well-documented, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels. This makes TinyDB particularly well-suited for small to medium-sized projects where a lightweight and straightforward database solution is sufficient.

Flexibility and extensibility : While TinyDB provides a basic set of features out of the box, it also offers flexibility for customization and extension. Developers can extend TinyDB's functionality by writing plugins or customizing its behavior to suit their specific requirements.