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Babylon.js - Interview Questions
Explain the role of physics engines in Babylon.js, and how they can be integrated within a project.
Physics engines in Babylon.js simulate realistic object interactions, such as collisions and forces, enhancing the user experience. They handle complex calculations for movement, rotation, and collision detection, allowing developers to focus on game logic.

To integrate a physics engine, first choose one supported by Babylon.js, like Cannon.js, Oimo.js, or Ammo.js. Then, enable it by calling scene.enablePhysics with the desired gravity vector and plugin instance:
const gravityVector = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -9.81, 0);
const physicsPlugin = new BABYLON.CannonJSPlugin();
scene.enablePhysics(gravityVector, physicsPlugin);?

Next, add physics properties (mass, friction, etc.) to meshes using mesh.physicsImpostor. For example:
const sphere = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateSphere("sphere", {}, scene);
sphere.physicsImpostor = new BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor(sphere, BABYLON.PhysicsImpostor.SphereImpostor, { mass: 1, restitution: 0.9 }, scene);?

Finally, apply forces or impulses to objects using physicsImpostor.applyForce or applyImpulse, respectively.