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Internet Of Things - Interview Questions
Explain the types of testing in IoT?
IoT devises testing types are :
Usability Testing : There are so many devices of different shape and form factors are used by the users. Moreover, the perception also varies from one user to others. That’s why checking the usability of the system is very important in IoT testing.

Compatibility Testing : There are lots of devices that can be connected through the IoT system. These devices have varied software and hardware configuration. Therefore, a possible combination is huge. As a result, checking the compatibility in the IoT system is important.

Reliability and Scalability Testing : Reliability and Scalability is important for building an IoT test environment which involves a simulation of sensors by utilizing virtualization tools and technologies.

Data Integrity Testing : It’s important to check the Data integrity in IoT testing as it requires a large amount of data and its application.

Security testing : In the IoT environment, many users are accessing a massive amount of data. Thus, it is important to validate user via authentication, have data privacy controls as part of security testing.

Performance Testing : Performance testing is important to create a strategic approach for developing and implementing an IoT testing plan.