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Xamarin - Interview Questions
Explain the usage of SQLite in Xamarin.
In Xamarin, SQLite is a powerful and lightweight database engine that allows you to store and manage data locally within your mobile applications. Here’s how you can use SQLite in Xamarin:

Integration with Xamarin.Forms :
* Xamarin.Forms applications can utilize SQLite to load and save data objects in shared code.
* You can create a local database table using SQLite to store information such as user preferences, cached data, or application-specific data.

Adding SQLite to Your Xamarin Project :
* To get started, add the sqlite-net-pcl NuGet package to your Xamarin project.
* Search for the package in the NuGet Package Manager and ensure you select the correct one (with attributes: Authors: SQLite-net).
* Despite the package name, it can be used in .NET Standard projects as well.

Model Definition : Define your data model (e.g., a Note class) that represents the data you want to store.
For example :
using System;
using SQLite;

namespace Notes.Models
    public class Note
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }

The Note model will store data about each note in your application.

Database Initialization :
* Create a class (e.g., NoteDatabase) responsible for managing the SQLite database.
* Initialize the database connection by providing the database path.

Example :

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SQLite;
using Notes.Models;

namespace Notes.Data
    public class NoteDatabase
        readonly SQLiteAsyncConnection database;

        public NoteDatabase(string dbPath)
            database = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(dbPath);
            // Additional database setup and operations can be added here.

        // Methods for CRUD operations on the Note model can be defined here.

CRUD Operations :
* Implement methods within NoteDatabase to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on your data.
* For example, you can insert a new note, retrieve existing notes, update note content, or delete notes.

Usage in Xamarin.Forms Views :
* In your Xamarin.Forms views, you can interact with the NoteDatabase to save and retrieve data.
* Use asynchronous methods to ensure smooth performance.