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Erlang - Interview Questions
Explain what is Bit strings in Erlang?
In Erlang, a bit string is a data type used to represent a sequence of bits. It is a compact and efficient way to store and manipulate binary data at the bit level. Bit strings in Erlang are immutable, meaning their values cannot be modified once created.

Here are some key points about bit strings in Erlang :

1. Syntax : Bit strings are represented using a syntax similar to strings and lists in Erlang. They are enclosed within double angle brackets (`<< >>`) and consist of a sequence of bits or bytes.

2. Binary Data : Bit strings can store binary data, such as network packets, file contents, or binary-encoded values. The data can be in the form of bits or bytes, and Erlang provides operators and functions to manipulate and extract specific bits or bytes from a bit string.

3. Bit Syntax : Erlang's bit syntax allows you to specify the structure and composition of a bit string. You can define the number of bits used by each element in the bit string, specify bit-level operations, and specify the endianness of the bit string.

4. Bit-Level Operations : Erlang provides operators and functions to perform bit-level operations on bit strings. You can perform bitwise logical operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT), shift bits, set specific bits to 0 or 1, extract or match specific bit patterns, and more.

5. Byte Order and Endianness : Erlang supports different byte orders (endianness) for bit strings. You can specify whether the most significant byte (MSB) or least significant byte (LSB) comes first. This is useful when working with binary data that follows a specific endianness, such as network protocols.

6. Pattern Matching : Bit strings can be pattern matched in Erlang, allowing you to extract specific bits or bytes from a larger bit string based on patterns. This makes it convenient to work with binary data and extract relevant information.