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Data Analyst - Interview Questions
Explain what regression substitution is.
Regression substitution is a method used to impute missing values in a dataset by predicting them from other variables using a regression model. It involves fitting a regression model to the observed data and then using this model to estimate the missing values based on the values of other variables.

Here's how the regression substitution method works :

* Identify Predictor Variables : First, you need to select predictor variables that are strongly correlated with the variable containing missing values. These predictor variables should ideally be available for all data points in the dataset.

* Fit Regression Model : Once the predictor variables are identified, a regression model is trained using the observed data points where the variable of interest is not missing. The regression model could be linear regression, multiple regression, or any other suitable regression technique depending on the nature of the data and the relationships between variables.

* Predict Missing Values : After fitting the regression model, it is used to predict the missing values of the variable of interest based on the values of the predictor variables for the data points with missing values. The predicted values are substituted for the missing values in the dataset.

* Evaluate Model Performance : It's important to assess the performance of the regression model in predicting missing values. This can be done using various evaluation metrics such as mean squared error (MSE), R-squared, or cross-validation techniques.

* Iterate if Necessary : Depending on the results of the model evaluation, adjustments may need to be made to the regression model or the selection of predictor variables. The process may need to be repeated iteratively until satisfactory imputations are obtained.

Regression substitution can be a powerful method for imputing missing values, especially when there are strong relationships between variables in the dataset. However, it assumes that the relationship between the predictor variables and the variable with missing values is linear and may not perform well if this assumption is violated. Additionally, it may not be suitable for datasets with a large number of missing values or when the relationships between variables are complex.