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Data Analyst - Interview Questions
Explain what the KNN imputation method is.
KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) imputation is a technique used to fill in missing values in a dataset by estimating them based on the values of neighboring data points. It is a non-parametric method that relies on similarity measures between data points.

Here's how the KNN imputation method works :

* Identify Similarity : First, you need to define a distance metric to measure the similarity between data points. Common distance metrics include Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, or cosine similarity. Euclidean distance is often used when dealing with numerical data.

* Select K Neighbors : For each missing value, the algorithm identifies the K nearest neighbors to the data point with the missing value based on the chosen distance metric. These neighbors are the data points with the most similar features to the one with the missing value.

* Imputation : Once the K nearest neighbors are identified, the missing value is imputed (filled in) by averaging or taking the weighted average of the corresponding values of the neighbors. In the case of numerical data, this usually means taking the mean or median of the neighboring values. For categorical data, the mode (most common value) might be used.

* Repeat for All Missing Values : This process is repeated for all missing values in the dataset, with the algorithm finding the K nearest neighbors for each missing value and imputing them accordingly.

* Parameter Tuning : The choice of the value of K can impact the imputation results. A smaller K value might result in more local imputations, while a larger K value might provide a more global estimate. The optimal value of K can be determined through cross-validation or other validation techniques.

KNN imputation is a flexible and intuitive method for handling missing data, especially in datasets with complex patterns or structures. However, it can be computationally expensive, particularly for large datasets, as it requires calculating distances between all pairs of data points. Additionally, the effectiveness of KNN imputation depends on the quality of the similarity measure and the choice of K.