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Blue Prism - Interview Questions
Explain work queues in the context of RPA Blue Prism. How can we configure priorities for work queues?
Work Queues in Blue Prism are generally implemented to break large volumes of work into multiple small volumes. Additionally, it is said to be the most effective way for the deployments of bots. It is because multiple bots are implemented to decrease the overall time consumption during the separation of large volumes of work to small volumes.
Besides, we are required to set the priorities for the work queue item when we are working in queues. To configure the priority, we need to follow these steps :
* We are first required to add an item in the corresponding queue with the help of the existing 'Add to Queue' action.

* Then, we are required to work with the existing queue item. It will set the start-priority of the created process.

* Once the priority of the item is added, we can repeat the same with more items. It should be noted that the item's priority is unchangeable once added to the queue.