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Angular - Interview Questions
How Just in Time compiler(JIT) Works?
Initially, compiler was responsible for converting a high-level language into machine language, which would then be converted into executable code.
Just in time compiler, compiles code at runtime which means instead of interpreting byte code at build time, it will compile byte code when that component is called.
A few important points :
* In case of Just in time, not all code is compiled at the initial time. Only necessary component which are going to be needed at the starting of your application will be compiled. Then if the functionality is need in your project and it’s not in compiled code, that function or component will be compiled.

* This process will help to reduce the burden on the CPU and make your app render fast.

* One more interesting thing is, you can see and link to your source code in inspect mode because Just in Time, compiles your code with JIT mode and a map file.