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FastAPI - Interview Questions
How can FastAPI be used with async and await, and what benefits does this provide?
FastAPI supports asynchronous request handling through Python’s async and await keywords. This allows for concurrent processing of requests, improving application performance. When a FastAPI route is defined with an async function, it becomes a coroutine that can be paused and resumed, allowing other tasks to run in the meantime.

For instance :
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "World"}?

In this example, read_root is an asynchronous function. If it calls another async function with await, execution returns to the event loop, freeing up resources until the awaited function completes.

This non-blocking nature of async I/O operations means your app can handle more requests with fewer resources, as idle time waiting for I/O (like network or disk access) can be used to serve other requests. It also simplifies code by avoiding callback hell or threading complexities, making it easier to write and maintain.