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Ember.js - Interview Questions
How can you define a new class in Ember.js?
In Ember.js, we can call the extend() method on Ember.Object to define a new ember class.
Example :
App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({  
  say: function(thing) {  
The above example defines a new App.Person class with a say() method.
We can also create a subclass from any existing class by calling its extend() method. See the following example if you want to create a subclass of Ember's built-in Ember.View class.
Example :
App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({  
  tagName: 'li',  
  classNameBindings: ['isAdministrator']  
While defining a subclass, you can override methods but still access the implementation of your parent class by calling the special _super() method.
Example :
App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({  
  say: function(thing) {  
    var name = this.get('name');  
    alert(name + " says: " + thing);  
AppApp.Soldier = App.Person.extend({  
  say: function(thing) {  
    this._super(thing + ", sir!");  
var sam = App.Soldier.create({  
  name: "Free Time Leaarn"  
sam.say("Reporting"); // alerts "Free Time Leaarn says: Reporting, sir!"  