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PouchDB - Interview Questions
How can you delete a PouchDB added attachment?
To delete an attachment added to a document in PouchDB, you can use the removeAttachment() method. This method allows you to remove an attachment associated with a specific document and attachment ID. Here's how you can delete an attachment in PouchDB:
// Assuming 'db' is your PouchDB instance and 'docId' is the ID of the document
// and 'attachmentId' is the ID of the attachment you want to delete

db.removeAttachment(docId, attachmentId).then(function() {
  // Attachment successfully removed
}).catch(function(err) {
  console.log('Error deleting attachment:', err);

In the above code :

* Replace 'db' with your PouchDB instance.
* Replace 'docId' with the ID of the document from which you want to remove the attachment.
* Replace 'attachmentId' with the ID of the attachment you want to delete.
* The removeAttachment() method returns a Promise that resolves once the attachment has been successfully removed from the document. If the removal encounters an error (e.g., if the document or attachment does not exist), the Promise will be rejected, and you can handle the error accordingly in the catch() block.

This approach allows you to delete attachments added to documents in PouchDB, helping to manage and maintain the contents of your database efficiently.