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Koa.js - Interview Questions
How can you enable HTTP/2 in Koa.js?
To enable HTTP/2 in Koa.js, you need to use a server that supports HTTP/2, such as Node.js with the http2 module. The http2 module is part of the Node.js standard library and provides support for the HTTP/2 protocol.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to enable HTTP/2 in Koa.js using Node.js with the http2 module:

1. Install Required Dependencies : Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. Additionally, make sure your project has the necessary dependencies, including koa and http2.
npm install koa http2?

2. Create an HTTP/2 Server with Koa : Use the http2 module to create an HTTP/2 server and integrate it with your Koa.js application.
const Koa = require('koa');
const http2 = require('http2');
const app = new Koa();

// Your Koa application setup goes here

// Create an HTTP/2 server with the Koa app as the callback
const server = http2.createSecureServer({
  key: /* Your SSL key path */,
  cert: /* Your SSL certificate path */,
}, app.callback());

// Start the server on the desired port (e.g., 3000)
const port = 3000;
server.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`HTTP/2 server is running on https://localhost:${port}`);

Replace /* Your SSL key path */ and /* Your SSL certificate path */ with the paths to your SSL key and certificate files. For development purposes, you can generate self-signed certificates or use tools like mkcert.

3. Configure SSL for Local Development : For local development, you can generate self-signed certificates using a tool like mkcert. Install mkcert globally and generate a certificate for your local domain.
# Install mkcert
brew install mkcert

# Generate a certificate for localhost
mkcert -install
mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem localhost?

Update the SSL key and certificate paths in your Koa app accordingly.

4. Verify HTTP/2 Support :

Verify that your server is using HTTP/2 by checking the protocol in your browser's developer tools or using online tools like