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ArangoDB - Interview Questions
How can you enable authentication in ArangoDB?
Enabling authentication in ArangoDB involves configuring authentication methods and user accounts to control access to the database. Here's how you can enable authentication in ArangoDB:

Edit Configuration File :
* Open the ArangoDB configuration file (arangod.conf) using a text editor.
* Locate the authentication section in the configuration file.

Configure Authentication Methods :
* Specify the authentication method(s) you want to use. ArangoDB supports various authentication methods, including:
* Basic Authentication : Username/password authentication over HTTP.
* JWT Authentication : JSON Web Token-based authentication for stateless authentication.
* LDAP Authentication : Integration with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for centralized user authentication.
* OAuth2 Authentication : Integration with OAuth2 authentication providers for authentication and authorization.
* External Authentication : Custom authentication plugins for external authentication providers.
* Uncomment or add the appropriate authentication method(s) in the configuration file and configure the settings accordingly.

Restart ArangoDB :
* Save the changes to the configuration file.
* Restart the ArangoDB server to apply the new authentication settings.

Create User Accounts :
* Once authentication is enabled, you need to create user accounts to control access to the database.
* Use the ArangoDB web interface or ArangoShell (command-line interface) to create user accounts with specific roles and permissions.
* Specify the authentication method (e.g., basic, JWT) when creating user accounts and provide the necessary credentials.

Test Authentication :
* Test the authentication setup by attempting to connect to the ArangoDB server using a client application or tool.
* Provide the credentials of a user account created in step 4 and verify that you can authenticate successfully and access the database.

Secure Communication :
* If you're using authentication over HTTP (e.g., basic authentication), consider enabling HTTPS (SSL/TLS) to secure communication between clients and the ArangoDB server.
* Configure SSL/TLS certificates in the ArangoDB configuration file to enable encrypted communication.