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Jsoup - Interview Questions
How can you extract attributes from HTML elements using Jsoup?
In Jsoup, you can extract attributes from HTML elements using various methods provided by the Element class. These methods allow you to retrieve attribute values based on the attribute name. Here's how you can extract attributes from HTML elements using Jsoup:

1. Get Attribute Value : You can retrieve the value of a specific attribute of an element using the attr() method:
Element element = document.getElementById("example");
String attributeValue = element.attr("attributeName");?

Replace "attributeName" with the name of the attribute you want to extract, and element with the HTML element from which you want to extract the attribute.

2. Check if Attribute Exists : You can check if an element has a specific attribute using the hasAttr() method:
boolean hasAttribute = element.hasAttr("attributeName");?
This method returns true if the element has the specified attribute, and false otherwise.

3. Get All Attributes : You can retrieve all attributes of an element using the attributes() method, which returns a Attributes object representing the element's attributes:
Attributes attributes = element.attributes();?

You can then iterate over the attributes or access them by name using methods provided by the Attributes class.

4. Iterate Over Attributes : You can iterate over all attributes of an element using a for-each loop:
for (Attribute attribute : element.attributes()) {
    String attributeName = attribute.getKey();
    String attributeValue = attribute.getValue();
    // Process attribute...

This loop iterates over all attributes of the element, allowing you to access both the attribute name and value for further processing.