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Scala - Interview Questions
How can you handle concurrency in Scala? What is an 'Actor'?
Concurrency in Scala can be handled using various techniques and libraries. One popular approach is through the use of actors. In Scala, actors are part of the Akka toolkit, which provides a powerful and lightweight framework for building concurrent and distributed applications.

An actor is an independent entity that encapsulates state and behavior and communicates with other actors through message passing. Each actor has its own mailbox, and it processes messages one at a time in a non-blocking manner. Actors are designed to be lightweight and can be created in large numbers, allowing for highly concurrent systems.

To work with actors in Scala, you need to import the Akka library. Here's a simplified example that demonstrates the basic concept of actors:
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}

// Define an actor class
class MyActor extends Actor {
  def receive: Receive = {
    case message: String => println(s"Received message: $message")
    case _ => println("Unknown message")

// Create an ActorSystem
val system = ActorSystem("MySystem")

// Create an instance of MyActor
val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "myActor")

// Send messages to the actor
actor ! "Hello"
actor ! "World"

// Terminate the ActorSystem
In this example, we define a simple actor class `MyActor` that extends the `Actor` trait. The actor overrides the `receive` method, which defines the behavior of the actor when it receives messages. In this case, it prints the received message.

We then create an `ActorSystem` using `ActorSystem("MySystem")`, which serves as the entry point for creating and managing actors. We create an instance of `MyActor` using `system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "myActor")`, which returns an actor reference. We can send messages to the actor using the `!` (bang) operator, as shown in `actor ! "Hello"` and `actor ! "World"`.

The actor processes the messages asynchronously, and the received messages are printed to the console. Finally, we terminate the `ActorSystem` using `system.terminate()`.

Using actors, you can build concurrent and distributed systems by creating multiple actors that communicate with each other through message passing. The actor model provides a high level of concurrency and encapsulation, making it easier to reason about and manage concurrent systems.

Apart from actors, Scala also provides other concurrency constructs such as futures, promises, and software transactional memory (STM) that can be used to handle concurrency in a more fine-grained manner. These constructs allow for non-blocking and asynchronous programming, enabling efficient utilization of system resources and better scalability.