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Bulma - Interview Questions
How can you include Bulma into your project?
Bulma is a CSS library. This means it provides CSS classes to help you style your HTML code.

To use Bulma, you can either use the pre-compiled .css file or install the .sass files so you can customize it to your needs.

Use a CDN :

1. You can import the CSS file directly from jsDelivr:

* CSS : @import "";
* HTML : <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

2. The RTL version is also available:

* CSS : @import "";
* HTML : <link rel="stylesheet" href="">


Get the Bulma Sass library

A collection of .sass files to build your own version of Bulma

Install the NPM package

1. Bulma is available through npm:

* npm : npm install bulma
* yarn : yarn add bulma

2. Clone the GitHub repository :

* SSH : git clone
* HTTPS : git clone
* GitHub CLI : gh repo clone jgthms/bulma

Source : Bulma