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Rust - Interview Questions
How can you use Rust for web development?
Rust is one of the most efficient programming languages used in web development, with various features and comprehensive support for web development. Some of the top features Rust provides for web development are as follows:

Asynchronous programming : Rust has in-built support for asynchronous programming that enables developers to generate efficient and non-blocking code for managing multiple concurrent requests.

Web frameworks : There are many web frameworks available with Rust, including Rocket, Actix, and Warp, that offer a robust foundation for web development.

Safety : Rust has a strong safety mechanism for web development as it uses ownership and borrowing mechanisms to ensure safe memory management and prevent prominent issues such as memory leaks and null pointer exceptions.

Cross-platform compatibility : Rust offers cross-platform compatibility as it can be compiled across various platforms, thus making it an ideal option for web applications.

Rust has emerged as a strong contender for web development in 2023, offering some advantages over the Go language in certain areas. This does not mean Rust is inherently better than Go, as both languages serve different purposes and have their own strengths. However, there are some reasons Rust might be considered a better option for web development in 2023. Learn more about Go vs Rust: Which is the best option for web development in 2023.