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HSQLDB - Interview Questions
How do you call a stored procedure in HSQLDB?
To call a stored procedure in HSQLDB, you can use the CALL statement followed by the name of the stored procedure and any required parameters. Here's the basic syntax:
CALL procedure_name(parameter1, parameter2, ...);?

Replace procedure_name with the name of the stored procedure you want to call, and provide any required parameters according to the procedure definition.

If the stored procedure returns a result set, you can use it within a SELECT statement, similar to querying a table. Here's an example:
CALL my_stored_procedure();?

In this example, we're calling a stored procedure named my_stored_procedure without any parameters.
If the stored procedure requires parameters, you can provide them as follows:
CALL my_stored_procedure('parameter_value');?

Replace 'parameter_value' with the actual value you want to pass to the stored procedure.

If the stored procedure returns a result set, you can use it within a SELECT statement, similar to querying a table. Here's an example:
SELECT * FROM my_stored_procedure();?

This retrieves the result set returned by the stored procedure named my_stored_procedure.

Make sure the stored procedure is created in the database before you attempt to call it. You can create stored procedures using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement in HSQLDB.