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Golang - Interview Questions
How do you concatenate strings?
The easiest way to concatenate strings is to use the concatenation operator (+), which allows you to add strings as you would numerical values.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() { 
    // Creating and initializing strings 
    // using var keyword 
    var str1 string 
    str1 = "Hello "
    var str2 string 
    str2 = "Reader!"
    // Concatenating strings 
    // Using + operator 
    fmt.Println("New string 1: ", str1+str2) 
    // Creating and initializing strings 
    // Using shorthand declaration 
    str3 := "Welcome"
    str4 := ""
    // Concatenating strings 
    // Using + operator 
    result := str3 + " to " + str4 
    fmt.Println("New string 2: ", result) 
Output : 
New string 1:  Hello Reader!
New string 2:  Welcome to