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Unity - Interview Questions
How do you create a custom Editor in Unity?
In Unity, you can create a custom Editor to modify how the Inspector window displays and how the user can interact with it. This can be useful for providing a more user-friendly and efficient interface for modifying components on a GameObject.

To create a custom Editor, you need to create a new script that extends the Editor class. Here are the steps to create a basic custom Editor :

1. In your project window, create a new script in the Editor folder (if the Editor folder doesn't exist, create it).

2. In your script, add the following using statement:
using UnityEditor;​

3. Create a new class that extends the Editor class:
   public class MyComponentEditor : Editor
       // Editor code goes here

   In the above code, `MyComponent` is the name of the component you want to create a custom editor for.

4. Override the OnInspectorGUI method to modify how the Inspector window displays:
   public override void OnInspectorGUI()

       // Custom Inspector GUI code goes here

   The `base.OnInspectorGUI()` call will display the default Inspector GUI for the component, and you can add your own custom GUI elements below it.

5. Save your script.

Once you have created your custom Editor script, it will automatically be used whenever the corresponding component is selected in the Inspector window.

Note that this is just a basic example, and there are many more advanced things you can do with custom Editors in Unity.