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Gulp - Interview Questions
How do you define dependencies between tasks in Gulp?
In Gulp, you can define task dependencies to ensure that certain tasks run before others. This allows you to establish a specific order or sequence in which tasks should be executed. Gulp provides two main methods to handle task dependencies: gulp.series() and gulp.parallel().

Using gulp.series() : gulp.series() allows you to run tasks sequentially, one after the other. Tasks defined within gulp.series() will execute in the order they are listed.

Example :
const gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('taskA', function() {
    // Task A code here

gulp.task('taskB', function() {
    // Task B code here

gulp.task('taskC', gulp.series('taskA', 'taskB', function() {
    // Task C code here

In this example, taskC depends on both taskA and taskB. When you run gulp taskC, Gulp ensures that taskA runs first, followed by taskB, and finally, taskC.

Using gulp.parallel() : gulp.parallel() allows tasks to run concurrently, simultaneously executing multiple tasks.

Example :
const gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('taskA', function() {
    // Task A code here

gulp.task('taskB', function() {
    // Task B code here

gulp.task('taskC', gulp.parallel('taskA', 'taskB', function() {
    // Task C code here

In this case, taskC will run taskA and taskB simultaneously and execute its own code only after both taskA and taskB have completed.

Nested Dependencies : You can nest gulp.series() and gulp.parallel() to create complex dependency trees, allowing for more intricate task execution orders.
const gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('taskA', function() {
    // Task A code here

gulp.task('taskB', function() {
    // Task B code here

gulp.task('taskC', gulp.series('taskA', gulp.parallel('taskB', function() {
    // Task C code here

In this example, taskC depends on taskA and runs taskB concurrently with its own code execution.

By utilizing gulp.series() and gulp.parallel() effectively, you can establish clear dependencies between tasks, ensuring that they run in the required sequence or concurrently as needed within your Gulp workflow.