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HSQLDB - Interview Questions
How do you handle database errors in HSQLDB?
Handling database errors in HSQLDB involves capturing and appropriately responding to exceptions that may occur during database operations. Here's how you can handle database errors in HSQLDB within a Java application using JDBC :

Catch SQLException :
* Wrap database operations in try-catch blocks to catch SQLExceptions, which represent errors that occur during database access.
* SQLException is the superclass for all exceptions thrown by the JDBC API, including errors related to database connectivity, SQL execution, and data retrieval.

Handle Specific Errors :
* Identify specific types of SQLExceptions and handle them accordingly based on their error codes, error messages, or SQL state.
* Common types of errors include connection errors, SQL syntax errors, constraint violations, and transaction failures.

Log Errors :
* Log error messages, stack traces, and other relevant information to facilitate troubleshooting and debugging.
* Use a logging framework such as Log4j or java.util.logging to log errors to a file, console, or other destination.

Provide Feedback to Users :
* Display meaningful error messages or notifications to users to inform them of the problem and provide guidance on how to resolve it.
* Present error messages in a user-friendly format, avoiding technical jargon and providing actionable steps if possible.

Rollback Transactions :
* Roll back transactions if an error occurs during transactional operations to ensure data consistency and integrity.
* Use the Connection object's rollback() method to revert any changes made within the current transaction.

Close Resources :
* Close JDBC resources such as Connection, Statement, and ResultSet objects in finally blocks to ensure proper resource management and prevent resource leaks.
* Use the try-with-resources statement introduced in Java 7 to automatically close resources at the end of their scope.