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Erlang - Interview Questions
How do you handle errors in Erlang?
Errors in Erlang are handled using the try-catch-after construct. The try-catch-after construct is a mechanism for trapping and handling errors in Erlang. It is used to catch errors that occur during the execution of a function, and to take appropriate action.

The try-catch-after construct consists of three parts : the try block, the catch block, and the after block.

The try block is the code that is executed first. If an error occurs during the execution of the try block, the catch block is executed. The catch block is used to handle the error. The after block is executed after the try and catch blocks, regardless of whether an error occurred or not.

In order to use the try-catch-after construct, the code must be written in the following format :

try % Code that may throw an error catch % Code to handle the error after % Code to execute regardless of whether an error occurred end

The try-catch-after construct is a powerful tool for handling errors in Erlang. It allows developers to write code that is robust and resilient to errors, and to take appropriate action when errors occur.