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Appium - Interview Questions
How do you handle testing of mobile applications with slow network connections in Appium?
Testing mobile applications with slow network connections is important to ensure the app's performance and usability in real-world scenarios. Appium provides a way to simulate slow network connections during test execution using the set_network_conditions() method of the AppiumDriver class.

To simulate a slow network connection, you can call the set_network_conditions() method and pass the desired network conditions as a parameter. The method takes three parameters: the network type, the latency in milliseconds, and the download and upload speeds in bytes per second.

For example, to simulate a 3G network connection with 1000 ms latency and 512 kbps download and upload speeds, you can use the following code:
network_conditions = {
    "offline": False,
    "latency": 1000,
    "download_throughput": 512 * 1024,
    "upload_throughput": 512 * 1024

This code will simulate a slow 3G network connection, and the subsequent test steps will execute under these network conditions. To reset the network conditions to the default values, you can call the set_network_conditions() method again and pass the default values as parameters.