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Ionic - Interview Questions
How do you install an Ionic Framework?
Pre-requisite for Ionic
The following things are required to install Ionic.
* Node.js and NPM
* Code Editor
* Ionic CLI

a) Node.js and NPM :  Node.js and NPM are the base platforms need to develop the Ionic application. You can install Node.js and NPM package manager by the link given below.
* Install Node.js on Windows
* Install Node.js on Linux

b) Code Editor : VS Code editor is the best code editor to create the Ionic Applications. It is a popular and free text editor made by Microsoft.
You can download and install the VS Code Click Here
There are many other code editors available to create the Ionic application, such as
* Ionic Studio : It is the fastest and easiest way to create Ionic apps.
* Atom : It is a hackable text editor developed by the GitHub.
* WebStorm : It is a powerful non-free editor developed by the JetBrains.

c) Ionic CLI : We can create and develop an Ionic application through the Ionic Command Line Utility. The Ionic CLI is a preferred method for installing Ionic. It is the main tool for running the app and connect it to other services, such as Ionic AppFlow.
To install the Ionic CLI globally with the NPM, enter the following command in the terminal window.
$ npm install -g ionic  