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Computer Graphics - Interview Questions
How do you optimise graphics for performance?
Optimizing graphics for performance involves various techniques aimed at improving rendering speed, reducing resource consumption, and enhancing overall efficiency. Here are some strategies to optimize graphics performance:

Use efficient rendering techniques : Employ rendering techniques that minimize the computational workload on the GPU, such as level-of-detail (LOD) rendering, occlusion culling, and frustum culling. These techniques help reduce the number of objects and polygons rendered, improving overall performance.

Optimize geometry : Simplify complex geometry by reducing the number of vertices, polygons, and triangles where possible. Use mesh simplification algorithms, such as edge collapse or vertex clustering, to reduce the geometric complexity of models while preserving visual fidelity.

Batch draw calls : Minimize the number of draw calls by batching together similar objects that share the same material and rendering properties. Grouping objects with similar characteristics reduces the overhead of issuing draw calls and improves rendering efficiency.

Texture optimization : Optimize texture usage by reducing texture sizes, using texture atlases to combine multiple textures into a single texture sheet, and employing texture compression techniques (such as DXT, ETC, ASTC) to reduce memory bandwidth and storage requirements.

Shader optimization : Write shaders (vertex and fragment shaders) efficiently to minimize arithmetic operations, texture fetches, and branching instructions. Use shader profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize shader code accordingly.

GPU resource management : Manage GPU resources (such as textures, buffers, and shader programs) efficiently by minimizing resource allocation and deallocation overhead. Reuse existing resources where possible and avoid unnecessary resource duplication.

Asynchronous compute : Utilize asynchronous compute techniques to overlap compute-intensive tasks (such as physics simulation, AI calculations) with graphics rendering, maximizing GPU utilization and improving overall performance.

GPU synchronization : Minimize synchronization overhead between the CPU and GPU by using asynchronous data transfers, command buffering, and multi-threaded rendering techniques. Avoid unnecessary CPU-GPU stalls and wait times that can impact performance.

Optimize for target hardware : Profile and optimize graphics performance for the specific hardware platform you are targeting, taking into account GPU capabilities, memory bandwidth, and other hardware limitations. Use platform-specific optimization techniques and features (such as GPU-specific extensions) to maximize performance.

Test and iterate : Continuously test and profile your graphics application on target hardware to identify performance bottlenecks and areas for optimization. Iterate on optimization strategies, fine-tuning performance improvements, and validating changes through testing and benchmarking.