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Jsoup - Interview Questions
How do you select elements using Jsoup selectors?
In Jsoup, you can select HTML elements using CSS-like selectors. Jsoup provides a range of methods to select elements based on various criteria such as tag name, class name, ID, attribute values, and more. Here's how you can select elements using Jsoup selectors:

* Select by Tag Name : You can select elements by their tag name using the getElementsByTag() method:
Elements paragraphs = document.getElementsByTag("p");?

* Select by Class Name : You can select elements by their class name using the getElementsByClass() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByClass("className");?

* Select by ID : You can select an element by its ID using the getElementById() method:
Element element = document.getElementById("elementId");?

* Select by Attribute Name : You can select elements that have a specific attribute using the getElementsByAttribute() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttribute("attributeName");?

* Select by Attribute Name and Value : You can select elements that have a specific attribute with a specific value using the getElementsByAttributeValue() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttributeValue("attributeName", "attributeValue");?

* Select by Attribute Name Prefix : You can select elements whose attribute name starts with a specified prefix using the getElementsByAttributeStarting() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttributeStarting("prefix");?

* Select by Attribute Name and Value Prefix : You can select elements whose attribute name starts with a specified prefix and has a value starting with another specified prefix using the getElementsByAttributeValueStarting() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttributeValueStarting("attributeName", "prefix");?

* Select by Attribute Name and Value Ending : You can select elements whose attribute name ends with a specified suffix and has a value ending with another specified suffix using the getElementsByAttributeValueEnding() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttributeValueEnding("attributeName", "suffix");?

* Select by Attribute Name and Value Containing : You can select elements whose attribute name contains a specified substring and has a value containing another specified substring using the getElementsByAttributeValueContaining() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttributeValueContaining("attributeName", "substring");?

* Select by Attribute Name and Value Matching a Regex Pattern : You can select elements whose attribute name matches a specified regex pattern and has a value matching another specified regex pattern using the getElementsByAttributeValueMatching() method:
Elements elements = document.getElementsByAttributeValueMatching("attributeName", "regexPattern");?

These are some of the most commonly used methods for selecting elements using Jsoup selectors. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the appropriate method to select the desired elements from an HTML document.