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HSQLDB - Interview Questions
How do you start and stop the HSQLDB server?

Starting the HSQLDB Server :

* Open a command prompt or terminal window.
* Navigate to the directory where HSQLDB is installed or where your HSQLDB database files are located.
* Run the following command to start the HSQLDB server:
java -cp path/to/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server --database.0 file:mydatabase --dbname.0 mydatabase?

* Replace path/to/hsqldb.jar with the actual path to the HSQLDB JAR file on your system. Replace mydatabase with the name of your database.
* If the server starts successfully, you should see log messages indicating that the server has started and is listening for connections.

Stopping the HSQLDB Server :

* To stop the HSQLDB server, you can use one of the following methods:
* Press Ctrl + C in the terminal window where the server is running. This will send a termination signal to the server process, causing it to shut down gracefully.
* Alternatively, you can send a shutdown command to the server using a SQL client or tool. Connect to the server using the JDBC URL jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/mydatabase (replace mydatabase with your actual database name), and execute the SQL command SHUTDOWN;. This will instruct the server to shut down after completing any pending transactions.