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Gulp - Interview Questions
How do you uninstall gulp?
To uninstall Gulp from your project or system, you can take a few different approaches based on where Gulp was installed and how it was added to your project:

If Gulp was installed locally in a project :

1. Using npm : If Gulp was installed as a local dependency in your project, you can remove it using npm:
npm uninstall gulp​
This removes Gulp from your project's node_modules folder and updates your package.json file to remove the Gulp dependency.

2. Deleting the node_modules folder manually :  Alternatively, you can remove the node_modules folder entirely if you no longer need any of the project dependencies:
rm -rf node_modules    # For Unix-based systems like macOS or Linux
rmdir /s /q node_modules    # For Windows (Command Prompt)​

If Gulp was installed globally : If Gulp was installed globally on your system, you can uninstall it using npm as well:
npm uninstall -g gulp​

This command removes the globally installed Gulp from your system.

Cleaning up : After uninstalling Gulp, you might want to consider cleaning up unused or orphaned packages. You can do this using npm's prune command to remove packages not listed in your package.json:
npm prune​

This command removes any packages from node_modules that are not listed as dependencies in your package.json.

Remember to check your project afterwards to ensure Gulp has been uninstalled successfully by verifying that there are no references to it in your package.json file and that you can no longer access Gulp commands in your project or system.