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Unity - Interview Questions
How do you use Git with Unity?
Unity projects can be easily integrated with Git for version control. Here are the general steps to use Git with Unity :

* Create a Git repository : Create a new Git repository either locally or on a remote server like GitHub or Bitbucket.
* Initialize Git in Unity project : Navigate to your Unity project folder and open a terminal or command prompt. Run the `git init` command to initialize a new Git repository within the project folder.

* Add files to Git : Use the `git add` command to add files to the staging area.

* Commit changes : Use the `git commit` command to commit changes to the local Git repository.

* Push to remote repository : If you are using a remote Git repository, use the `git push` command to push changes to the remote repository.

* Pull changes : If you are working with a team, use the `git pull` command to pull changes from the remote repository before making any changes.

It's important to note that Unity generates a lot of files during the development process, including large binary files. Therefore, it's recommended to use a Git LFS (Large File Storage) to handle these files more efficiently.

Additionally, Unity provides built-in support for version control through Unity Collaborate, which is a cloud-based version control solution integrated within Unity.