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Unity - Interview Questions
How do you use Unity Analytics?
Unity Analytics is a service that allows developers to track and analyze user behavior in their games. To use Unity Analytics in a Unity game, follow these steps:

1. Enable Unity Analytics : To use Unity Analytics, you need to enable it in the Unity Editor. To do this, go to Edit > Project Settings > Analytics and select the checkbox to enable Unity Analytics.

2. Create an Analytics Event : An Analytics Event is a piece of data that you want to track. To create an Analytics Event, go to Window > Analytics > Event Manager, and click the plus icon to create a new Event. Give the Event a name and define the parameters that you want to track.

3. Log Analytics Events : To track user behavior, you need to log Analytics Events in your game's code. You can do this using the Analytics API provided by Unity. For example, to log an event called "Level Complete" with a parameter for the level number, you can use the following code:
Analytics.CustomEvent("Level Complete", new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "Level Number", levelNumber }
4. Analyze Data : Once you have logged Analytics Events, you can view the data in the Unity Analytics Dashboard. To access the Dashboard, go to Window > Analytics > Analytics Dashboard. Here you can view graphs and reports of user behavior, such as the number of players, player retention, and event tracking.

Unity Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding user behavior and optimizing your game for better engagement and retention.