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Google Sheets - Interview Questions
How do you use the IMPORTXML or IMPORTHTML functions in Google Sheets?
The IMPORTXML and IMPORTHTML functions in Google Sheets are used to import data from external sources, such as websites, into your spreadsheet. Here's how to use each function:


The IMPORTXML function is used to import data from an XML file or website. It allows you to extract specific data from an XML document by specifying XPath queries.

The basic syntax of the IMPORTXML function is as follows:
=IMPORTXML(url, xpath_query)?

* url : The URL of the webpage or XML file from which you want to import data.
* xpath_query : The XPath query that specifies the data you want to extract from the XML document.

Here's an example of how to use the IMPORTXML function to import the title of a webpage into a Google Sheets cell:
=IMPORTXML("", "//title")?

This function will import the title of the webpage located at "" into the specified cell.


The IMPORTHTML function is used to import data from an HTML table or list on a webpage into your spreadsheet. It automatically detects and imports tables or lists based on the specified index.

The basic syntax of the IMPORTHTML function is as follows :
=IMPORTHTML(url, query_type, index)?

* url : The URL of the webpage from which you want to import data.
* query_type : Either "table" or "list", indicating the type of data to import.
* index : The index of the table or list to import. Use 1 for the first table or list on the webpage, 2 for the second, and so on.

Here's an example of how to use the IMPORTHTML function to import a table from a webpage into a Google Sheets cell:
=IMPORTHTML("", "table", 1)?

This function will import the first table from the webpage located at "" into the specified cell.

Remember to replace "url" with the actual URL of the webpage you want to import data from and adjust the XPath query or index accordingly to extract the desired data. Additionally, keep in mind that these functions may not work for all websites, especially those with dynamic content or complex structures.