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Appium - Interview Questions
How does Appium handle testing of mobile applications with slow network connections?
Appium provides several capabilities to handle testing of mobile applications with slow network connections, which are essential for ensuring that the application is still usable under different network conditions.

One of the ways to simulate slow network conditions is to use the network throttling capability in Appium, which can be set to a specific network speed to simulate a slow network. The network throttling can be set using the networkSpeed capability in the desired capabilities object, for example:
  "deviceName": "device",
  "platformName": "platform",
  "app": "path/to/app",
  "networkSpeed": "2G"

This will simulate a 2G network speed, which will slow down network requests in the application.

Another way to handle slow network connections is to use the network connection type capability, which can be set to a specific network type such as Airplane Mode, WiFi, Data, or All. This capability can be set using the networkConnection capability in the desired capabilities object, for example:
  "deviceName": "device",
  "platformName": "platform",
  "app": "path/to/app",
  "networkConnection": "Airplane Mode"

This will simulate a scenario where the device is in airplane mode and has no network connection.