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ArangoDB - Interview Questions
How does ArangoDB ensure data consistency?
ArangoDB ensures data consistency through various mechanisms and features designed to maintain the integrity of data across distributed environments and during concurrent operations. Here are some key ways ArangoDB ensures data consistency :

ACID Transactions : ArangoDB supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, which guarantee that database transactions are processed reliably and consistently. Transactions in ArangoDB ensure that a series of database operations either all succeed and are committed or fail and are rolled back, preserving data consistency.

Document-Level Locking : ArangoDB uses document-level locking to ensure that concurrent read and write operations on individual documents are serialized and do not interfere with each other. This prevents race conditions and ensures that updates to documents are atomic and consistent.

Replication and Failover : ArangoDB's replication and failover mechanisms ensure that data is replicated across multiple servers in a cluster, providing fault tolerance and data redundancy. In the event of a server failure, ArangoDB can automatically fail over to a replica server to maintain data availability and consistency.

Sharding and SmartGraphs : ArangoDB's sharding and SmartGraphs features optimize data distribution and query performance in distributed environments. Sharding divides the dataset into smaller partitions (shards), while SmartGraphs dynamically select the most efficient graph representation based on query patterns. These features help maintain data consistency and performance in large-scale deployments.

Write-Ahead Log (WAL) : ArangoDB uses a write-ahead log (WAL) to ensure durability and recoverability of data in case of server failures or crashes. Changes to the database are first written to the WAL before being applied to the database files, ensuring that transactions are durable even in the event of a crash.

Consistent Hashing : ArangoDB uses consistent hashing to distribute data evenly across shards in a cluster. Consistent hashing ensures that data is consistently mapped to the same shard, even when the number of shards changes or nodes are added or removed from the cluster, maintaining data consistency and minimizing data movement.