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How does ArangoDB handle joins in AQL?
In ArangoDB's AQL (ArangoDB Query Language), joins are performed using the FOR keyword to specify the data sources (collections or graphs) and the FILTER keyword to define the join conditions. ArangoDB supports various types of joins, including inner joins, left outer joins, and right outer joins, allowing you to combine data from multiple sources based on specified criteria. Here's how ArangoDB handles joins in AQL:

Basic Join Syntax : The basic syntax for joining collections or graphs in AQL is as follows:
FOR doc1 IN collection1
    FOR doc2 IN collection2
        FILTER doc1.field1 == doc2.field2
        RETURN { ... }?

This query iterates over documents in collection1 and collection2, filters documents based on the specified join condition (doc1.field1 == doc2.field2), and returns the desired result set.

Join Types :
* ArangoDB supports different types of joins, including :
* Inner Join : Returns only the documents that have matching values in both collections or graphs.
* Left Outer Join : Returns all documents from the left collection or graph (collection1), along with matching documents from the right collection or graph (collection2).
* Right Outer Join : Returns all documents from the right collection or graph (collection2), along with matching documents from the left collection or graph (collection1).
* Cross Join : Returns the Cartesian product of documents from both collections or graphs, resulting in a combination of all possible pairs of documents.

Multiple Joins :
* You can perform multiple joins in a single AQL query by nesting FOR loops and specifying additional join conditions using the FILTER keyword.
* Each nested FOR loop represents a new join operation, allowing you to combine data from multiple sources in a single query.

Performance Considerations :
* ArangoDB optimizes join operations by leveraging indexes, query planning, and execution strategies to minimize the computational overhead and improve query performance.
* It's essential to design efficient join conditions and utilize appropriate indexes to optimize query performance, especially for large datasets and complex join operations.

Composite Indexes :
* In many cases, creating composite indexes on the fields used in join conditions can improve query performance by facilitating index-based lookup and filtering.
* Composite indexes allow ArangoDB to efficiently retrieve and match documents based on multiple fields, reducing the need for full collection scans and improving query execution times.