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Bulma - Interview Questions
How does Bulma's approach to customization differ from other CSS frameworks?
Bulma's approach to customization differs from many other CSS frameworks primarily due to its emphasis on modularity, utility classes, and minimalistic design. Here's how it sets itself apart:

Utility-First Approach : Bulma adopts a utility-first approach, offering a comprehensive set of utility classes that allow developers to directly apply styles within HTML elements. This method enables quick prototyping and customization without creating custom CSS rules.

Modularity and Flexibility :

* Component Modularity : Bulma offers modular components that can be used independently, allowing developers to pick and choose components without including the entire framework. This modular structure offers greater flexibility in styling and functionality.

* Utility Class Modularity : The utility classes in Bulma are finely granular, offering specific styles for colors, spacing, alignment, and responsiveness. This modularity enables developers to mix and match classes to achieve desired styles.
Minimalistic Default Design : Unlike some other frameworks that come with opinionated default styles, Bulma provides a more minimalistic starting point. It offers a clean slate for customization without imposing a specific visual identity by default, making it easier to adapt to various design preferences.

Customization Flexibility :

* Variable Overrides : Bulma allows developers to override default Sass variables, enabling customization of colors, typography, spacing, and more without modifying the core files.

* Extensibility : Developers can extend Bulma's styles or components by creating custom stylesheets or components, allowing for extensive customization while maintaining the framework's core functionality.

Differences from Other Frameworks :

* Bootstrap : Bulma's utility-first approach contrasts with Bootstrap's predefined components and reliance on custom CSS classes. Bulma's modularity and minimalistic design differ from Bootstrap's opinionated styling.

* Foundation : Foundation, another CSS framework, also offers modularity but focuses on creating fully featured components, whereas Bulma prioritizes simplicity and flexibility through utility classes.