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Elixir - Interview Questions
How does Elixir handle concurrency and parallelism?
Elixir is designed to handle concurrency and parallelism efficiently through the use of lightweight processes and message passing. Here's how Elixir achieves concurrency and parallelism:

* Lightweight Processes : In Elixir, concurrency is achieved by spawning lightweight processes, also known as Erlang processes. These processes are isolated units of execution, much lighter than operating system processes or threads. Elixir processes are cheap to create and have a small memory footprint, enabling the system to support a large number of concurrent processes.

* Asynchronous Message Passing : Elixir processes communicate with each other using asynchronous message passing. Messages are sent between processes, and the receiving process can pattern match on the messages it receives. This decoupled communication approach allows processes to work independently, without shared mutable state, promoting concurrency and avoiding common synchronization issues.

* Immutable Data Structures : Elixir enforces immutability, meaning data structures cannot be modified once created. When a process receives a message, it works on a copy of the data, ensuring that the original data remains unchanged. Immutable data structures facilitate safe concurrent access, as there are no race conditions caused by shared mutable state.
* Concurrency Primitives : Elixir provides various concurrency primitives to manage and control processes. These include `spawn` for process creation, `send` and `receive` for message passing, and `Task` module for managing concurrent tasks. The `spawn` function creates a new process, while `send` and `receive` enable processes to exchange messages. The `Task` module allows for managing concurrent tasks and collecting their results.

* Concurrency Model and Schedulers : Elixir follows the actor model, where each process has its own mailbox and processes communicate by sending and receiving messages. Underneath, the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM) schedules processes on schedulers. The schedulers take advantage of multi-core architectures, automatically distributing processes across available CPU cores for parallel execution.

* Supervision and Fault Tolerance : Elixir's OTP (Open Telecom Platform) framework provides powerful abstractions for building fault-tolerant systems. Supervisors monitor and manage processes, restarting them if they crash. This built-in fault tolerance mechanism ensures that errors in one process do not bring down the entire application.

By leveraging lightweight processes, asynchronous message passing, immutability, and fault-tolerant supervision, Elixir enables efficient concurrency and parallelism. The combination of these features allows developers to build scalable, highly concurrent applications that can take advantage of modern multi-core hardware architectures.