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Erlang - Interview Questions
How does Erlang handle concurrency without using locks or threads?
Erlang handles concurrency without using locks or threads by relying on lightweight processes, also known as "Erlang processes," which are not tied to operating system threads. Here's how Erlang achieves concurrency without locks or traditional threads:

* Lightweight Processes : Erlang processes are extremely lightweight compared to operating system processes or threads. They are managed by the Erlang runtime system, which schedules and executes these processes within a single operating system thread or across multiple threads, depending on the system configuration. Erlang processes are independent of the underlying operating system threads and are scheduled by the Erlang scheduler.

* Asynchronous Message Passing : Erlang processes communicate via asynchronous message passing. Each process has its own mailbox where it receives messages. Sending a message from one process to another is done using the `!` operator. Message passing in Erlang is non-blocking, meaning the sender doesn't wait for a response. Processes can concurrently send and receive messages, enabling asynchronous and concurrent communication without the need for locks.

* No Shared Memory : Erlang processes do not share memory by default. Each process has its own isolated memory space, preventing data races and the need for locks. Processes communicate by exchanging copies of data through message passing. This eliminates the need for explicit locking mechanisms to synchronize access to shared data.
* Immutable Data : Erlang promotes immutability, where data cannot be modified once created. This immutability of data contributes to the absence of locks, as there is no need for synchronization when multiple processes work with the same data. Instead, Erlang encourages creating new copies of data with modifications, which can be efficiently achieved due to the lightweight process model.

* Pattern Matching and Concurrency Control : Erlang provides powerful pattern matching capabilities, allowing processes to selectively receive and handle messages based on patterns. Pattern matching, combined with conditional clauses (guards), enables fine-grained concurrency control. Processes can selectively handle specific messages while ignoring others, enabling concurrency control and non-deterministic behavior.

* Process Isolation and Fault Tolerance : Erlang processes are isolated and have their own memory space, making it easier to build fault-tolerant systems. If a process crashes due to an exception or error, it does not affect other processes. Supervisors can monitor and restart failed processes, ensuring fault tolerance without the need for complex error handling or locks.