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Gulp - Interview Questions
How does Gulp work?
Gulp operates on the concept of streams, using Node.js streams to efficiently process files. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how Gulp works:

Task Definition : Developers define tasks in a gulpfile.js. These tasks can encompass various actions like file concatenation, minification, compilation, etc.

Plugin Integration :

Gulp integrates plugins for specific tasks. For instance, gulp-sass for compiling Sass to CSS, gulp-uglify for JavaScript minification, etc.
* These plugins are added to the project via npm and then required within the gulpfile.js.

File Source and Destination :

* gulp.src() is used to define the source files or file patterns to be processed.
* gulp.dest() specifies the destination folder for the processed files.

Chaining Tasks :

Gulp uses method chaining to create a pipeline of tasks. Methods like .pipe() connect tasks together.

For example :

This code reads JavaScript files, concatenates them into a single file, minifies the resulting file, and saves it to the dist directory.

Streaming Transformation :

* Gulp processes files as streams, meaning the files are read as chunks and passed through different tasks.
* The stream-based approach allows Gulp to perform operations without creating intermediate files, which results in faster processing.

Task Execution :

* Tasks can be triggered manually via the command line (gulp taskName) or set to run automatically when file changes are detected (

Parallel or Sequential Execution :

* Gulp provides methods like gulp.series() and gulp.parallel() to execute tasks sequentially or concurrently, as per the defined workflow requirements.

Error Handling :

* Gulp includes mechanisms to handle errors in the pipeline, preventing task failures from breaking the entire build process.
* Plugins like gulp-plumber can be used to manage errors and keep the workflow intact.