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Hazelcast - Interview Questions
How does Hazelcast handle concurrent access to shared resources?
Hazelcast employs several strategies to handle concurrent access to shared resources, ensuring data consistency and avoiding race conditions.

Let’s delve into some of these techniques :

Distributed Locks :
* Hazelcast provides a distributed lock mechanism that allows multiple nodes in a cluster to coordinate access to a shared resource.
* When a node acquires a lock, other nodes are blocked from accessing the same resource until the lock is released.
* This ensures mutual exclusion and prevents concurrent modifications.

Distributed Data Structures :
* Hazelcast offers various distributed data structures like maps, queues, and semaphores.
* These structures are designed to be thread-safe and can be accessed concurrently by multiple nodes.
* For example, a distributed map can be used to store shared data, and Hazelcast ensures proper synchronization.

Eventual Consistency :
* Hazelcast follows the eventual consistency model.
* When data is updated, it is eventually propagated to all nodes in the cluster.
* This approach balances performance and consistency, allowing for high throughput while maintaining data integrity.

In-Memory Computing :
* Hazelcast’s core strength lies in its in-memory computing capabilities.
* By keeping data in memory, Hazelcast avoids disk I/O bottlenecks and provides fast access to shared resources.
* In-memory storage also enhances parallelism and reduces contention.

Partitioning and Replication :
* Hazelcast partitions data across nodes.
* Each partition is owned by a single node, ensuring that concurrent access within a partition is well-defined.
* Replication provides fault tolerance by maintaining backup copies of data on other nodes.

Custom Locking Mechanisms :
* Developers can implement custom locking mechanisms using Hazelcast’s building blocks.
* For more complex scenarios, you can create your own distributed locks or synchronization primitives.