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Keras - Interview Questions
How does Keras facilitate rapid prototyping?
Keras facilitates rapid prototyping in several ways :

Simple and Intuitive API : Keras provides a user-friendly and intuitive API that abstracts away the complexities of deep learning. Its high-level abstractions make it easy to build and train neural network models with just a few lines of code, allowing users to quickly prototype and experiment with different architectures and ideas.

Modular Design : Keras follows a modular design approach, allowing users to build neural network models by stacking modular building blocks called layers. These layers can be easily added, removed, or configured according to the requirements of the model, making it straightforward to prototype and iterate on different architectures.

Pre-built Layers and Models : Keras comes with a wide range of pre-built layers and models, including popular architectures like VGG, ResNet, and Inception. These pre-built components can be easily integrated into your models, saving time and effort during the prototyping phase.

Extensive Documentation and Examples : Keras provides comprehensive documentation with detailed explanations, examples, and API references. Additionally, there are numerous tutorials, guides, and community-contributed resources available online, making it easy to learn and understand how to use Keras for rapid prototyping.

Flexibility and Customization : Keras offers support for various types of layers, activation functions, optimizers, and loss functions, providing users with the flexibility to customize models according to their specific requirements. This allows for rapid experimentation with different configurations and hyperparameters to find the best-performing model.

Integration with TensorFlow : Keras has been integrated into TensorFlow as its official high-level API starting from TensorFlow 2.0. This integration provides seamless interoperability between Keras and TensorFlow, allowing users to leverage the advanced features and scalability of TensorFlow while still benefiting from Keras' simplicity and ease of use.