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CouchDB - Interview Questions
How does PouchDB handle encryption and security?
PouchDB itself does not provide built-in encryption features, but it can be used in conjunction with encryption libraries or techniques to enhance security. Here's how PouchDB can handle encryption and security:

Client-Side Encryption :
* Developers can implement client-side encryption using encryption libraries such as CryptoJS or Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library (SJCL) to encrypt data before storing it in PouchDB.
* By encrypting data on the client-side before storing it in the database, developers can ensure that sensitive information remains encrypted while at rest, protecting it from unauthorized access even if the underlying storage mechanism is compromised.

HTTPS Communication :
* When using PouchDB in a web application, developers should ensure that communication between the client and server databases is encrypted using HTTPS (HTTP over TLS).
* HTTPS encrypts data in transit, preventing eavesdropping and tampering by attackers. It ensures that data transmitted between the client and server databases remains confidential and secure.

Server-Side Security :
* Developers should also implement security measures on the server-side, such as authentication, authorization, and access control, to protect data stored in the server database.
* Server-side security measures help control access to the database, authenticate users, and enforce permissions to prevent unauthorized access or tampering with data.

Third-Party Plugins :
* Developers can use third-party plugins or libraries that provide encryption and security features specifically designed for use with PouchDB.
* For example, the crypto-pouch plugin provides client-side encryption for PouchDB using the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library (SJCL), allowing developers to encrypt data before storing it in the database.

Security Best Practices :
* Developers should follow security best practices when using PouchDB, such as validating user input, sanitizing data, and implementing proper error handling to prevent security vulnerabilities such as injection attacks or data leakage.
* By adhering to security best practices, developers can mitigate security risks and ensure that their applications remain secure and resilient against potential threats.