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Rust - Interview Questions
How does Rust support networking?
Rust’s standard library ‘std’ provides modules for networking. The std::net module supports several networking protocols and mechanisms, including IPV4, IPV6, TCP, and UDP.

TCP and UDP sockets : Rust provides low-level primitives for creating and interacting with TCP and UDP sockets using the std::net::TcpStream and std::net::UdpSocket types, respectively.

TCP and UDP listeners : Rust also provides primitives for creating TCP and UDP listeners using the std::net::TcpListener and std::net::UdpSocket types, respectively.

IPv4 and IPv6 : Rust supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and sockets.

HTTP : Rust has several crates for working with HTTP, including “hyper” and “request” These crates provide high-level abstractions for building HTTP clients and servers.