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TinyDB - Interview Questions
How does TinyDB handle data persistence?
TinyDB offers data persistence through its support for storage backends. By default, TinyDB operates entirely in memory, meaning that data is stored in Python data structures and is not persisted between different runs or sessions of the application. However, TinyDB provides support for several storage backends that allow data to be persisted to disk, enabling long-term storage and retrieval.

Here's how TinyDB handles data persistence using storage backends :

* Default in-memory storage : When using TinyDB without specifying a storage backend, data is stored solely in memory. While this provides fast access to data during the lifetime of the application, it does not persist data between different runs of the application.

* JSON file storage : TinyDB supports storing data in JSON format within a file on disk. This allows data to be persisted between different runs of the application, enabling long-term storage and retrieval. The TinyDB constructor accepts a filename argument to specify the location of the JSON file where data will be stored.

from tinydb import TinyDB

# Create a TinyDB instance with JSON file storage
db = TinyDB('db.json')?

* Custom storage backends : In addition to the built-in JSON file storage backend, TinyDB allows developers to implement custom storage backends to suit their specific requirements. This enables data to be persisted using alternative storage formats or mechanisms, such as databases or external services.