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WPF - Interview Questions
How does "UpdateSourceTrigger" affect bindings?
This is a property on a binding that controls the data flow from a target to a source and used for two-way data binding. The default mode is when the focus changes but there are many other options available.
Properties available with UpdateSourceTrigger
Default : This is the default value and it means a lost focus for most of the controls.

LostFocus :
Value update will be on hold until the focus moves out of the control.

PropertyChanged :
Value update will happen whenever a target property changes. It usually happen on every keystoke.

Explicit :
Used to defer source updates until the user does it forcibly by the click of a button or so.

Default vs LostFocus
Default and LostFocus means the same thing for most of the controls with the exception of DataGrid. For DataGrid:
* Lost Focus : Cell lost focus
* Default : Row lost focus

Code :
        <ColumnDefinition Width="50*" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="50*" />
    <TextBlock Text="Source:" Width="auto" />
    <TextBox Name="SourceText" Width="160" Height="30" Margin="48,0,44,82" />
    <TextBlock Text="Target:" Grid.Column="1" Width="auto" />
    <TextBox Name="TargetText" Width="160" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=SourceText, Path=Text,UpdateSourceTrigger=Default}" Grid.Column="1" Margin="44,0,47,82" />
Output :
When the user types into the source TextBox :
