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JavaScript IndexedDB - Interview Questions
How is IndexedDB different from other client-side storage options like cookies, localStorage, and WebSQL?
IndexedDB differs from other client-side storage options like cookies, localStorage, and WebSQL in several key aspects :

Data Structure and Capacity :
* IndexedDB: Supports storing structured data in key-value pairs, including complex data structures like arrays and objects. It is designed for storing large amounts of data, making it suitable for complex applications.
* Cookies: Limited to storing small amounts of data (usually up to 4KB per cookie) and are primarily used for session management and client-side tracking.
* localStorage: Stores data as key-value pairs in a simple string format and is limited to around 5-10MB of storage per domain. It's suitable for simpler applications that require persistent storage of small amounts of data.
* WebSQL: Uses a relational database model similar to SQL databases and provides a SQL-based query interface for data manipulation. However, it has been deprecated in favor of IndexedDB due to standardization issues.

Asynchronous Operations :
* IndexedDB: Provides an asynchronous API, allowing database operations to be performed without blocking the main thread of the web application. This is essential for maintaining a responsive user interface, especially for long-running tasks.
* Cookies, localStorage, and WebSQL: Operate synchronously, which can potentially block the main thread and lead to a degraded user experience, especially for operations involving large datasets.

Transaction Support :
* IndexedDB: Supports transactions, ensuring data integrity and consistency by allowing developers to perform multiple database operations as a single unit of work.
* Cookies, localStorage, and WebSQL: Lack transaction support, making it challenging to maintain data integrity, especially in complex applications with multiple data manipulation operations.

Indexed Access :
* IndexedDB: Supports indexes, enabling efficient retrieval of data based on specific keys or ranges of keys. Indexes improve query performance, especially for large datasets.
* Cookies, localStorage, and WebSQL: Do not support indexes, making data retrieval less efficient, particularly when dealing with large datasets.

Cross-Origin Access :
* IndexedDB: Supports cross-origin access control, allowing web applications served from different origins to access the same IndexedDB database, subject to appropriate security measures.
* Cookies, localStorage, and WebSQL: Are subject to stricter same-origin policies, limiting their use for cross-origin data sharing.