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Koa.js - Interview Questions
How is Koa.js different from Express.js?
Koa.js and Express.js are both web frameworks for Node.js, but they differ in design philosophies and some key features. Here are the main differences between Koa.js and Express.js:

Middleware Handling :

* Express.js : Uses traditional callback-based middleware. Middleware functions have access to the request, response, and the next function to pass control to the next middleware.
* Koa.js : Leverages async/await and generators for middleware functions. It uses a more modern and expressive approach, eliminating the need for the next function and allowing developers to write more readable asynchronous code.

Async/Await :

* Express.js : Primarily relies on callbacks for handling asynchronous operations.
* Koa.js : Promotes the use of async/await, making asynchronous code more readable and allowing developers to write code that looks more like synchronous code.

Context Object :

* Express.js : Uses separate request (req) and response (res) objects.
* Koa.js : Encapsulates the request and response objects into a single context object (ctx). This simplifies handling both the request and response within a single object.

Routing :

* Express.js : Provides built-in routing capabilities with methods like app.get(),, etc.
* Koa.js : Does not have built-in routing. Developers often use external routing libraries like koa-router to handle routing.

Error Handling :

* Express.js : Uses the next function to pass errors to a centralized error-handling middleware.
* Koa.js : Encourages the use of try/catch blocks and the ctx.throw() method for handling errors. It provides a more explicit and structured approach to error handling.

Modularity :

* Express.js : Comes with a set of built-in middleware, which can be convenient for quickly setting up common functionalities.
* Koa.js : Takes a more minimalistic approach, providing a lightweight core. Developers can choose and integrate their preferred middleware, promoting a more modular and flexible architecture.

Community and Ecosystem :

* Express.js : Has been around for a longer time and has a larger community and a vast ecosystem of middleware and plugins.
* Koa.js : Although it has gained popularity, it might have a smaller ecosystem compared to Express.js.

Backward Compatibility :

* Express.js : Maintains a strong focus on backward compatibility, making it easier for existing Express.js applications to upgrade to newer versions.
* Koa.js : Has undergone significant changes between major versions, and developers might need to adjust their code when upgrading.