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Functional Testing - Interview Questions
How many Types of functional testing?
Unit testing : before testing the entire software, it is valid to check individual parts of the software and know if they work correctly. Unit testing contains the function of a unit and ensures that (one to a few) every input should result in the expected output. The unit test is done through the process of automation. 

Component testing : module testing is another name of component testing. The application’s part is checked in the process of component testing. The method of component testing is quite similar to unit testing. The component testing assesses a part of the software in isolation from the broader system. The difference between component testing and unit testing is that the testers or developers do the component testing in a format of a black box to ensure and verify that individual objects and parts of the software are proper. Developers do the other unit testing in the form of white box to check that program modules execute.

Smoke testing : Is a type of acceptance testing that provides an initial check that new software built should be critical functionality is stable. If the software passes the smoke test, then the software will be sent to test further. Build verification testing is another name for smoke testing. The smoke testing checks whether new or critical functionality meets the objective. If any software doesn’t pass the smoke test, the function says, “where there’s smoke there is fire,” so it’s stated that additional development work is required.

Sanity testing : it is a type of regression testing. Professionals QA performs sanity testing on new versions of stable builds to check if there is any new functionality or any bug fixes. With the same capacity of smoke testing, sanity testing also provides a gate check that software is ready for more testing. Sanity testing usually checks that area that has undergone a code change.

Regression testing : after passing a single functional test, it doesn’t mean that the entire test is passed. When a developer changes the code or changes a feature, the software runs a regression test to ensure that the functions are as expected. In the process of regression testing, a stable product is maintained after the changes are made.

Integration testing : it is often done in pairs with unit tests. At the time of integration testing, QA professionals go through and check whether the individual module of code work is going together as expected or not. Many modern applications run on microservices and self-contained applications that are designed to handle a specific task. The application won’t work as intended if the microservices will not communicate with each other. The integration testing is to be done to ensure these components together operate and communicate together seamlessly.

API testing : application programming connects different applications or systems, and they are gaining popularity because every consumer is expecting apps to interoperate. In API testing, a tester validates and ensures that API connections and responses function as intended; they also include handling data and user permissions.

UI testing : in the UI type of testing, QA professionals interact with the graphical interface of a problem software program. The UI testing includes the tests related to controls of the UI, for example, buttons, text input, and menus, for ensuring that the experience flow and features chosen are optimal for the user experience. 

System testing : With system testing, QA professionals test the entire software as a complete product. With system type functional testing, the tester validates and confirms the integrated and comprehensive software package to make sure that the software product meets the client’s requirements and expectations. In the process of system testing, a tester can review the functional aspect and performance of the app or website without knowing the way it was programmed. The system testing helps a team to develop test cases that are to be used for moving forward. End-to-end testing is another name of system testing.

White-box testing : all the details of software internal infrastructure like code and design are visible to the tester and developer, then the case is called white box testing. In the approach of white box testing, a system includes many functional testing types, including unit and system testing. The tester can assess all of the given features individually. 

Black box testing : contrary to white box testing, black box testing involves testing against a system where the internal code, paths, and infrastructure are not visible. The tester uses the black box testing method to ensure the expected output against specific inputs.

Alpha testing : as a subset of acceptance testing, alpha testing evaluates the product using internal team members. Not involving the development and testing, the team members should know about the project.

Beta testing : after fixing all bugs and testing the product, beta testing occurs with a select group of end-users. Beta testing serves as a soft launch that enables the client to get feedback from the actual user that does not know the given app.

Acceptance testing : the goals set in business requirements should match the end-user software; this is the primary goal of acceptance testing. The acceptance type of testing involves reviewing feature-complete applications and having an end-to-end experience of the software.

Production testing : after the product is public, the product will be in a live production environment where any users can interact with the product anyway. There is no need for the client to control everything from the testing environment to the product. 